Final Project Journal

I will be making a top down shooter following this tutorial. This will help me learn how to make more advanced games in Game Maker and more specifically Top Down Shooters. I will be submitting a finished game .exe and a .gmx file. I plan on following the tutorial to the end and then making my own enemies and guns to change the game play. I plan on doing at least two videos a day in class and many more at home.

Wednesday May 16th 2018 - I searched for a tutorial follow and followed a bit of the first video.

Tuesday May 22nd 2018 - Finished up to part 4 in the playlist.

Thursday May 24th 2018 - Worked on game and ended at the start of tutorial 8.

Monday May 28th 2018 - Worked on making custom sprites following this tutorial:

Wednesday 30th 2018 - Finished making Player, Enemy, and Tree sprites.

Friday June 1st 2018 - Started tutorial 9.

Tuesday  June 5th 2018 - Finished tutorial 9.

Thursday  June 7th 2018 - Started working on changing the game with my own ideas.

Monday  June 11th 2018 - Added a truck and mission text.

Wednesday June  13th 2018 - Fixed issues with the truck and added a alarm to make it move.

Friday June 15th 2018 - Handed it in and exported it to a .exe and .gmz. There is a bug when the player runs into the truck, they get stuck until the truck passes.
