
Showing posts from April, 2018

GameMaker - Asteroids Part C

The one thing that I didn't get was how he made the game restart when he pressed R at the game over screen. In the video he never shows how the code would work or pressing it at all, so I added the code myself as he never showed it. I added a instance event in the destroying event in the small asteroid code so every time a small asteroid gets shot, another big asteroid spawns making the game harder.

GameMaker - Asteroids Part B I had no difficulties and I would change the spawning rate if the asteroids to make the game harder.

Gamemaker - Asteroids Part A

Accidentally continued on to part 4... I didn't run into any problems.

GameMaker - Catch the Clown

I didn't have an issues because the tutorial was very easy to follow. The one thing I wish I could have changed was the colour of the score but i don't know how.